Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Little Bird's Song

I think I was eight or nine when I wrote this
It was my first poem

It is strange to me,
and so miraculous
how we all change

How our bodies and minds
are so governed
by the ever turning
wheel of days

Yet our essence,
the light that shines firmly within us
shall never grow faint
or weary

It is a piece of the One Above
our Eternal connection
with our creator

And in a world
running rampant with falsehood

Where we drown
in hurt and death and lies

Where the results of our own
corrupt choices
will stab at us continuously
until we open our eyes

I can stand firm
alone, perhaps, but so very sure
That G-d is Above
and that He is One
and that He has blown my spirit within me

It is Truth

Perhaps the only Truth I know.

Anyway, here it is.

The little bird sings
tweet tweet, tweet tweet,
watching her babies fall asleep
they nestle in their cozy bed
Watching the sunset up ahead

For they have nothing at all to fear
as their mother whispers in their ears
and just before she says goodnight
she sings a song that sounds just right

And as she sings her lovely song
you can tell for miles long
that it is but love that fills the air
a love that only a mother can share

So tonight, as in your bed you lie
listen to her lullabye
but remember to not make a single peep
the little bird is fast asleep.