Saturday, August 24, 2024

I dreamed

 I found myself alone at sea

With only waves for company

And when at last i came ashore

There was no one

Just as before

And so i set myself to sit

And wait for him or them or it

And on and on with candle lit

Waiting for saving from perils pit

Until, at last i had to quit

To quit the sit be done with it

So up i stood

And got to work

I built a house

A home

A circ

-it of work like no one’s seen

I shocked myself

It was obscene

And convalescently i schemed

For rescue would not be

And sure, inside i dreamed away

I dreamed a horse a man a day

A day when he would come and say

‘You’re free. Let’s run away’

‘Be mine. See me and make me great

And care for me with arm and plate

And give me kids 

A home

A great

Many things 

I hate 

The many things i

Claim to hate

Im not a damsel

Times abate-

-ed long now past that

Fettered dream

A dream of home

And love of scheme

But no man yet has made me queen

Sure ive done the deed 

ive deftly dreamed

Put wig on pig and called it clean

But i cannot lie no more 

ive seen

Where that path goes

What that path gleans

And though the knight hath come my way

With sword in sheath and heart to say

‘Be mine my girl 

lets run away’

No thanks.

I’ll work today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

surgeon time

Yesterday i watched a man get lungs

He had no lungs

We gave him lungs

Or rather the surgeon 

Gave him lungs

A brilliant man

With thready thumbs

That work on as the ECMO hums

And vitals steady sum

Held the scalped as a paintbrush




And care

And His instruments his paintbrush

As if no one else was there

never seen man 

Use his pinky

Used to stabilize the blade

guess id not seen dedication

Never seen a man afraid

And yet despite his fear was confidence

Was pride of pallid prayer

As he marched on to the morrow

For the patient lying there

‘Hey, lets focus on the patient’

‘Time spent

made up

Somewhere else’

And i felt bad for the fellow

jaw was twitching

Conscious self

He was nice and he was bright and 

he was gifted

To be sure 

For i had Watched him suture

Watched his talent just before

But talent isn't vital

In the trenches 

On the floor

No your talent leaves you naked

In the battlements of war

And i felt worse for the patient

And i felt the surgeon’s right

Even then as fellow trembled 

Fellow tailored through the night

And the surgeon made him stronger


Readied him to fight

And the fellow he was armored

Scared and shitting far from sight

‘Don’t waste time

Think of the patient

My record’s 60 minutes


"Time’s a ticking

Just get on with it"

Minutes life-

times on the line

And yet on the clock was ticking

And yet the patient, he survived

Survived to breathe again tomorrow

Breathe and beat and think in time

He will breathe again tomorrow

Genius bore him

Air in rhyme

And he's breathing

And his life breath

Surgeon sutures.

Close him.
