Friday, August 4, 2023

For Her

Enslave me

Deprave me

Knock the devils that crave me

Lock me in dungeons and dig me a grave, see

But know I did right by my baby.

Fear is a fighting word

A righting word

A look them in the eye as the monsters are biting, lord

A turn around and run but you're tied to them by a cord

The lifeblood that they provide you

Question my mind, my mind is a blur

I cannot conceive of a world without her

So I keep fighting on through the cold icy brr

That freezes my mind and I stir

It no longer matters if I'm right or wrong

Good and bad have no place, and here I don't belong

In my heart, someone's screaming I've known all along

Her safety alone is what matters

I cry in the night all alone counting sheep

But I'll manage alone, I will manage to keep

Brewing and bustling the stew that I steep

Sure I'll take off the edge, perhaps I will sleep

With him, cuz he doesn't matter

I'd do about anything

Anything goes

I'd murder by millions

I'd fight righteous foes

Descend to hell's fires, I'd relish the blows

So long as I'm sure of her safety

So here is my song, little one, little dear

I swear on my life, you've got nothing to fear

For my life is nothing, a speck in the rear

view of the you that is so much, so new

So much greater and grander, so do not confuse

My plight and my fight as what's being "what's right"

Right matters not. Nothing matters but you