Okay, this one's a little weird.
It's actually a poem that I wrote in my diary
between 2:26 and 2:28 a.m., so it was really
late at night.
I think I wrote this one in less time
than any poem I've written so far.
It took me less than two minutes.
It might not make sense at first, but read it a few times.
You'll get it.
And if you've already tried,
and feel dizzy from trying with no success
and frustrated from reading a stranger's thoughts
without comprehension or gain,
run in a circle
and then the other way around
and scream, "I am ME"
if you can.
Shout, "everyone's someone they can't understand,
but they try . . . oh they try, to be someone they can."
Anyway, here it is . . .
Somewhere, far beyond the shores
Of ill-related time
No memory or rhyme
A drum beats far behind
A million forgotten scores
Chasing a shadow
A heart can beat to its own tune
Against the pouring rain
Without fear, without pain
But it's all coming soon
Chasing a shadow
The train that he can never catch
Jumped in, and it's gone
Never knew he was on
As he passed a speckled fawn
Don't need to strike no match
Chasing a shadow
So on and on it seems to go
No end near or passing
The beats of time are clashing
Ha ha, he thinks he's stashing
What he'll never know
Chasing a shadow
Passing these forgotton shores
With moonbeams on his back
Each card upon the stack
Cannot bend, but it can crack
Carry on beyond the scores
Chasing a shadow